0800 612 8804 info@fulcrumdr.com

Major Flooding – 2015

Our focus when undertaking a project is to ensure that the work we do is cost effective, reduces the period a business is out of operation and the use of restoration mitigates the cost of the claim. Here we describe examples of how we do this and the results that we can achieve.

  • Claim concerned a major flooding event, that caused widespread damage in Cumbria and specifically the town of Cockermouth in 2015.
  • Major damage to pumps and motors, electrical and electronic infrastructure within the brewery’s production facility was sustained and it was feared that several million pounds of damage was involved.
  • After Fulcrum engineers and technicians completed initial decontamination, pumps and motors were saved from permanent damage and were sent to specialists for refurbishment thus saving the cost of replacement and reducing anticipated loss of £1.2m to £350,000.