0800 612 8804 info@fulcrumdr.com

An office’s IT equipment was subjected to water contamination, as well as ceiling tile debris, due to an overhead air conditioning pipe that had burst over the weekend. It was not until the offices opened on the Monday that the damage was discovered. Without any heat in the offices, the hot water inside coupled with the cold weather outside, had created a steam effect, to make matters worse. There were over 150 pieces of equipment which ranged from docking stations and monitors to thin clients

FDML received instructions from the insurers to undertake a full examination of the equipment and provide recommendations.

All IT equipment was to be uplifted and taken to FDML’s premises, where it could be disassembled and assessed for damage. A report was then produced for the insurers detailing what equipment could be returned to pre-loss condition, by utilising FDML’s proven decontamination techniques. Preliminary inspections indicated that the IT equipment would respond favourably to decontamination and authorisation to proceed was therefore granted.

The decontamination process involved the removal of external covers, partial strip down, to afford access for incident related contaminant removal and the cleaning of sub-assemblies and electrical components. A log detailing the sequence of dismantling and decontamination was undertaken before each piece of equipment was re-assembled and tested.

With the exception of 5 pieces of equipment, which were deemed beyond economical repair, due to the incident, everything was returned to pre-loss condition and quickly returned to the client, in order to minimise any day to day interruption.